Ectica Technologies was founded in Zurich (Switzerland) in 2015 by Dr. Benjamin Simona, Dr. Vincent Milleret and Prof. Martin Ehrbar with the objective to develop innovative tools and technologies for pre-clinical drug discovery and bioresearch. Our products make a significant contribution to integrate hydrogel-based cellular assays in the existing industry workflows. We specialize in recreating synthetic models of the tissue surrounding a tumor, also called the tumor microenvironment. These models are created with human cells, sometimes derived by patients' specimens, and cultured in synthetic hydrogels. Patient-derived cancer cells can then be added in culture to test new therapies in the presence of a tumor stroma. These animal-free systems have the potential to become the new standard for cell-based phenotypic drug discovery. We focus on physiological relevance while maintaining industrial requirements in terms of usability and automation-compatibility.
Developed by the founders during several years of research at ETH and University of Zurich, the innovation at the core of our company focuses on manufacturing methods of synthetic hydrogel materials.
Ectica Technologies is a privately owned spin-off company of the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics headed by Prof. János Vörös (ETH Zurich) and of the Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Engineering headed by Prof. Martin Ehrbar (University of Zurich and University Hospital Zurich).
About Us

We innovate at the interface of our three core technologies: Polymer technolgy, enzyme technology (biocatalysis) and electrochemical engineering.
We learned how to finely control enzymatic reactions using electrodes and we apply this concept to manufacture synthetic polymeric gels with special chemical and physical features.
These gels are the next generation substrates for cell culture, traditionally made of polystyrene or glass.
Our ambition is to innovate in the life science industry and beyond.
Our Core Technologies
Read about synthetic and animal-free hydrogels in cancer research
Why are animal-free hydrogels used when researching cancer?
What advantages can these methods offer in relation to the "three R's" of research?
How has Ectica always intended to remain one step ahead of the curve?
We will discuss this here.

After being awarded the Phase I, Ectica Technologies received the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission for the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase II project proposal.

After a tough selection Ectica Technologies were among the 10 finalists at the SLAS Ignite Award 2019 in Washington D.C. The award was brought home by another Swiss company SEED Biosciences. Congrats!

Ectica Technologies were one of the 5 start-ups selected among several hundreds to take part to the Accelerator Program of Merck KGaA in Spring 2017 at the HQ in Darmstadt, Germany.

3DProSeed was a selected innovation at the Thermo Fisher Innovation Day Europe 2016 in Darmstadt, Germany.