3DPROSEEDTM StromaLineTM Collection
3DProSeed ® is the ideal hydrogel platform to study stromal biology and tumor-stroma interactions. The fate of malignant cancer cells is influenced by a multitude of cells (fibroblasts and other mesenchymal supporting cells, endothelial and immune cells), soluble factors and matrix proteins present in the tumor microenvironment.
Our new 3DProSeed ® StromaLine ® is an attractive collection of pre-developed and well characterized stromal models. The ability to build a synthetic model of the stromal microenvironment in a high-content screening-compatible manner enables new discoveries in oncology and fibrosis. Compound screenings can be conducted in a 3D model of the huma stroma with minimal adaptation efforts.​
The key unique advantages of the StromaLine
Proprietary 3DProSeed 96-well imaging plate format with pre-casted hydrogels. No need for hydrogel assembly steps (visit 3DProSeed page for the tool's technical details).
Pre-developed and guaranteed to be assay-ready - delivered with own pretested cells, media and characterization reagents from a single source -Ectica Technologies.
The hydrogel is synthetic - free from animal derived components. Proteins identified in the hydrogel are endogenously deposited by cells resulting in highly characterized stromal models for tumor interaction studies.​
Our focus on the tumor-stroma interactions​​
The StromaLineTM Collection
We have developed 3D organotypic models using primary fibroblasts (cardiac and pulmonary), and primary human hepatic stellate cells in our proprietary precast synthetic hydrogels. Our capabilities include screening for pro- and anti-fibrotic molecules through microscopy readouts and biochemical analysis of soluble biomarkers.
Contact our CRO partner Nordic Bioscience offering specialized translational in vitro models in fibrosis (3DPROFIB assays), utilizing their large library of biomarkers that measure extra-cellular matrix (ECM) formation and degradation and our hydrogel cell-based platform.

Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are a key component of the tumor stromal microenvironment impacting tumor progression. Their ability to remodel the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) in the tumor microenvironment and their ability to influence immune cell infiltration/exclusion make CAFs potential therapeutic targets. In lung adenocarcinoma for instance, the stroma component of the cancer determines to a great extent the clinical manifestation of the disease and bears significant prognostic information. CAFs in the stroma can modify cancer epithelial cell phenotype by direct cell-cell contacts, the secretion of soluble factors, or the modification of the extracellular matrix. Such crosstalk between CAF and epithelial cancer cells has been implicated in the development of therapy resistance. It is important to include CAFs and other stromal features in phenotypic discovery and safety assays.
We recognize the importance of performing phenotypic drug discovery and cancer research on human ex vivo models comprising CAF matrices. Therefore we developed the 3DProSeed StromaLine CAF. These models can be used to functionally characterize CAF populations and to develop advanced co-culture systems of human CAFs-carcinoma cells to study tumor-stroma interactions and the effect of CAF presence on therapy efficacy.
We offer pre-developed and characterized CAF stromal cultures in synthetic 3D hydrogels pre-casted in a 96-well imaging plate (3DProSeed hydrogel well plate). The 3DProSeed StromaLine comprises the following CAF models:
Cells are supplied in combination with an optimal 3DProSeed hydrogel plate to guarantee the formation of a 3D stromal model, optimal culture medium and reagents. The StromaLine is available cryopreserved (for long storage) or plated/growing in the hydrogel plate (assay-ready).
We offer the 3DProSeed Stromaline with our pre-developed and characterized mesenchymal stromal matrix originating from adipose tissue or bone marrow MSCs. MSCs are multipotent stromal cells that are involved in a multitude of physiological and pathological conditions, including tissue regeneration, immune defence mechanisms, paracrine signalling, and tumour growth and metastasis. MSCs are also widely used in basic research, either to understand their biology or as a model system to investigate the role of the stroma in regulating tissue-specific cell behaviour. Of particular interest is the ability of MSCs to deposit and remodel extracellular matrix components, to secrete a variety of signalling molecules, and to participate in crosstalk with tissue-specific cells.
Visit the following technical product pages:
We offer pre-developed and characterized advanced co-cultures of human bone marrow endothelial cells (ECs) and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in the synthetic hydrogels. These co-cultures constitute a model of the (peri)vascular niche which can be used to study angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. It is possible to add blood cancer cells to study the role of the vascular niche on their maintenance and protection from chemotherapies. The endothelial network is organized in three dimensions and displays luminal and basal features.
Visit the following technical product pages:
We offer pre-developed and characterized cellular models to study the microenvironment of malignant gliomas and inflammatory processes in the nervous system. The ultimate objective is to recreate an artificial culture system comprising neuronal and non-neuronal cells such as glial cells, stromal cells of the nervous system (blood and lymphatic endothelial cells, pericytes, meningeal fibroblasts) and last but not least immune cells. We currently provide robust and well characterized human and non-human glial models of the central and peripheral nervous system. These can be further developed towards co-cultures incorporating malignant glioma cells and stromal components.
We also established a 3D enteroglial cell (EGC) model for co-culture with human colon organoids (see here).